The bread, butter, and jam of my professional life, copywriting technically covers almost everything I create. This collection features some of my favorite and most purely copy-driven projects.


Storytel/Mofibo: Brand Strategy & Campaign

When Storytel/Mofibo undertook an extensive overhaul of its Brand Strategy, I was lucky enough to be on the core team driving the project. As Brand Copywriter, I gathered input from everyone from the COO in Stockholm to Marketing Managers in Singapore. Thanks to their insights, I was able to apply my strategic mind and a some data-driven word magic to create just the right language to everybody on board. After running a lot of internal workshops, presentations, and even a voice over session for the Brand Strategy video, I also got to author new digital campaign materials in alignment with that strategy.


American Express: Homepage Holiday Heroes  

 This spread of Homepage Heroes needed to convey both consumer benefit, two calls to action, and a spark of holiday magic. All with varying language in a concise three lines.


Citra: Website and Navigation

Citra is one of the largest importers of Italian wine to America. In re-writing their website, rhetorical creativity flowed like an Abruzzo valley stream of consciousness - soaking the text in simile, analogy and metaphor. In painting these pretty pictures, I wanted to tell a living story of Citra, which would sow a seed of wonder with readers. A seed that would grow into a vine of vivid memory when readers later re-encountered the wondrous wines of Citra in their neighborhood liqueur store. All in keeping with SEO principles and the dreamy language of the wine industry at large.

The Abruzzo region of Italy, home to Citra's 3,000 vineyards.

The Abruzzo region of Italy, home to Citra's 3,000 vineyards.

Favorite Selection

"The Abruzzo region in central Italy stretches from the heart of the misty Apennine mountains in the west to the clear blue Adriatic Sea in the east. A wild and rocky terrain where untouched peaks and steep stone walls rise among the sprawling forests. Sloping off the mountains are rolling hills of lush vegetation that continue all the way to the pebbly shore. Rich in history and culture, the narrow valleys of Abruzzo are dotted with ancient villages, monasteries and castles with stories to tell.

Amongst this abundance, you’ll find the flourishing Citra vineyards. Far above the sea, cool winds, beaming sun and generous rainfall let vines grow and grapes ripen at an ideal pace for winemaking. The result is a wealth of flavorful yet versatile wines, that amplify any meal.

Montepulciano and Trebbiano are the most renowned grapes of our vibrant region. These varieties are often grown using the high-rising and highly efficient “tendone” method, native to Abruzzo, where vines grow on wooden grids overhead. Cerasuolo is a prolific Rosé that, when chilled, will add a pleasing crispness to any hot summer’s day or fresh seafood dish - something else Abruzzo is famous for.

Winemaking traditions in Abruzzo date back to the Classical Age of the 600s B.C., when the Etruscans brought the art of viniculture with them from Tuscany. Among other things, they introduced the technique of training vines to grow on elm trees to maximize yield. This later led to the development of the “tendone" method. By the 300s BC, the ancient signature grape of Abruzzo, Apianae, had been cultivated to develop a uniquely sweet wine reminiscent of Moscato. It is even believed to have been served to Hannibal of Carthage and his soldiers, when they passed through Italy on his epic conquest across the Alps.

The grape vine has been greatly respected in Abruzzo since this early age, and it continues to play a central part in the culture and economy of our region."



Dr. Terry Wahls: Email Newsletter

Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor at the University of Iowa and a legitimate legend in the world of functional medicine: treating disease through diet over drugs. This woman literally ate the MS away, going from wheelchair to walkabout in a year! As the copywriter in charge of her digital footprint, I authored and designed her email marketing from the first hyphen to the final hyperlink. This is but one example.

Martin Lindstrom: Editorial Blog

Martin Lindstrom is a world renowned branding expert (and LinkedIn buddy of mine) with seven books and countless keynotes under his belt. But even gurus need guidance from time to time. To maintain Martin's position as an industry thought-leader, I had to go beyond the standard stream of content. I had to mimic the master himself. Longer, deeper and more provocative; blog posts like the one below sharpen the mind of the reader and the pen of the writer - all while bolstering the brand man's brand.   


Favorite Selection

From: Countries Are Brands Too, My Friend!

"Think about countries like France, Egypt, and Japan. What comes to mind? I bet you immediately pictured The Eiffel Tower, pyramids and sushi. That’s because these countries all have universally recognizable national brands. Brands built over centuries of art, tradition, sports, politics and force majeures, like natural surroundings. A strong brand benefits countries in everything from tourism to trade to diplomacy. But what can a brand-builder do for a country that is too young, in flux, or unknown to develop an established brand? They can find a shortcut like the one I describe in my last book, Small Data."


Dr. Terry Wahls: Email Newsletter

When Dr. Wahls announced her new cookbook of healing recipes, I whipped up this announcement email for her subscribers (follow the links for more Shyamanic copy).

cooking for life.jpg

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!

My cookbook The Wahls Protocol® Cooking for Life has been in the works a while, and I'm excited to finally share it with you! The book is coming out April 4, but, if you pre-order it now, you'll receive a bunch of free bonuses to help you on your journey to health. 

Free, Exclusive Bonuses 

When you pre-order, you'll receive:

  • Dr. Wahls' guide to the best alternatives to dairy and grain (including FIVE free recipes!) Here, you’ll learn the most nutritious and enjoyable ways to replace two of the most common foods restricted in the Wahls Protocol®.

  • Your Handy Kitchen Guide to Mushrooms, their health benefits, and the best ways to prepare them 
    This will teach you about all the sulfur-rich mushrooms you should be eating, and how you can cook them right into your eating habits. 

  • A list of the Top 10 Ways to Prepare Kale, with TWO bonus recipes
    Kale is gaining popularity quick - and with good reason! I’ll share with you my favorite ways to cook and eat this highly beneficial leafy green.

  • A free guide to Reducing Your Exposure to Harmful Toxins and Chemicals (to clean up everything from your diet to your office to your personal care regimen) 
    Toxins and chemicals are all around us, so we must take care to keep our outsides healthy as our insides. Learn how to cut down on all the substances in your surroundings that could damage your health.

  • Your Wahls Protocol® Guide to the Supermarket
    Come grocery shopping with me, and find out what you should pick up and what you should leave in the aisle at your supermarket.

  • Exclusive access to video content from Dr. Wahls
    In these special bonus videos, I’ll teach you things not found in the book like how to forage for wild, healthy greens in your own neighborhood.

The Wahls Protocol® Cooking for Life is filled with nutritious recipes designed to fit into all three levels of the Wahls Protocol®, so no matter which you are following, this book will be an your best guide to getting track towards lifelong health. In the cookbook, I cover filling entrées, delicious drinks, tasty treats and delectable desserts. There’s even a section dedicated to healthful holiday recipes so you can keep healing all year round. You’ll also find helpful general cooking tips to make you a bonafide health-chef. Pre-order The Wahls Protocol® Cooking for Life today

Thank you all for your support! 

Let’s reclaim our health one magnificent meal at a time. 

Dr. Terry Wahls"


Marvelous: Website

Marvelous was the start my career. In a few years, this creative agency had grown rapidly and needed a website makeover that would reflect its blossoming personality. I was the makeup artist in charge of lips: the copywriter. With bold color and a smidgen of shine, this Danish duckling became the Nordic swan it was born to be.

Favorite Selection

"As magnificently skilled as we are, we also believe in not taking ourselves too seriously. We think that our crazy level of expertise leaves room for realness, irony and fun: virtues often forgotten in an industry full of buzzwords and bullshit. We’re great at getting a laugh out of any situation and celebrate communication without filters – with respect, of course.
The creative industry is dominated by big egos. We think we’re awesome, too, but we recognize that everyone can do marvelous work. We respect our peers and love to show them love when they do well. We think that all people, no matter their role in life, are marvelous in their own right."


DYCE: Website & Sales Material

DYCE is a full-matrix content management system I helped develop for my earliest employer. Besides contributing to this agency homebrew with some 100 proof UX ideas, I crafted website copy that blends technical writing, salesmanship and metaphor in an intoxicating cocktail. Are you stirred yet?

Favorite Selection

"See all sides of your marketing effort

Good marketing is many-sided. You want to create awareness and brand love across many channels online and off. Many-sided marketing requires a tool with a few sides to it as well – like DYCE. In DYCE, your content planning isn’t limited by campaign, platform or medium – it has all sides."


Copenhagen Airport: Film Treatment & Manuscript

Copenhagen Airport was a major client account that I was proud to head up. After a supersonic Social campaign, it was time to take this client's image to new heights with a soaring case presentation. I constructed the copy and piloted the project, which ultimately won both client and agency several ego strokes in the form of awards. 


Copenhagen Airport: Film Treatment & Manuscript

Copenhagen Airport returns. This time, in a case presentation in a broad Social Media category rewarding long-term community building. Here, I again made sure the airport's image was fully in the upright position before landing... awards.